(April 2023 – August 2023)

Two months ago in April of 2023 I created a new Instagram account in the anime meme niche because I’ve always wanted to have my very own meme page. I want to monetize Instagram in the future as well in order to create a small passive income stream. I say small because it’s good to start small. I want to grow my new anime Instagram meme page to become a big account that can also eventually become an entrepreneurial tool for me. I know that everyone and their cousin Timmy is creating meme accounts these days, but I figured that I’m not still better off doing it than not doing it, lol, I’m talking about networking with fellow large creators in the same niche, making sponsored posts for businesses, directing people to a website, etc. I’ll give you a timeline of the current progress of my anime meme account and also put forward some goals and I’ll keep updating you with future blog posts if you so care to follow.

  • Created account April 15th
  • April 15th – May 15th I made about 75 posts, ~60 of them being memes. I followed 1,500 and received about 1,000 followers in return. $0 earned.
  • May 15th – July 15th – Lazily followed around 2,000 people. Gained 700 followers. Posted 20 more times. $0 earned.
  • Aug 27th (current) – Followers: 2,305 – Dollars earned: $0

As you can tell, I haven’t worked too hard on my account yet but I’m currently sitting at 2,300 followers. I’ll link the page simply for anyone who might be curious to see it: Instagram anime meme page. 80% of the followers on my anime meme page were generated by simply mass following other pages. That’s really the best way to receive followers quickly when first starting out. You will become action locked for 24 hours if you spam follow/unfollow too hard. I would not recommend going over 100 follows and/or unfollows in 1 hour.

I was pulled away from Instagram and the internet in general for the last couple of months due to moving states and living out of my car, so at most I’ve just been following other accounts and posting a meme here and there. All of my memes are original, that is not to say all of them are super dank lol.

anime meme account monetize instagram

Goals for the Anime Meme Page Aug 27th – Feb 27th (next 6 months)

  • Reach 20,000 followers
  • Make $100 in one month various sources
  • 15 posts per month

In order to achieve these goals I will continue start making consistent posts. One every two days at the bare minimum. After reaching 5,000 followers, I’ll reach out to some people in the hopes of receiving a sponsor. I’ll make sure my content is actually something that people would be interested to see. Here’s to making a large Instagram anime meme page!

Monetize Instagram Current and Goal

Dollars Earned on Aug 27th: $0

Goal Feb 27th: $100

One thought on “Instagram Meme Page Case Study Let’s Monetize Instagram”
  1. […] Anime Social Media Account. This could be a Tiktok or Instagram account that is centered around anime. For the most part, the amount of followers will determine the amount of money you can make from social media accounts like these. If you make an anime Instagram page with anime reviews, you might get a sponsorship deal after having 50,000 followers, for example. If you want to read about my anime Instagram meme page you can do so by following this link. […]

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